Expired Aliexpress Coupons


Free Shipping —AliExpress’ free shipping offer depends on the product. Some sellers will offer free shipping for their products while others will not.
Return Policy —Many sellers on AliExpress will offer a refund policy for their products. Some sellers will even offer free returns where they pay for the shipping fees for you to send your purchase back. If you buy from a seller that doesn’t offer a free refund and the product you receive doesn’t match the seller’s descriptions, you are still eligible for a free refund. You are also eligible for a free refund if the product you receive is counterfeit.
Contact Support —You can access support through AliExpress’ contact page. It will walk you through the process of resolving your problem. If you’re unable to resolve a problem with a seller, you can open a dispute by going to your order under the “My Orders” link and clicking on “All Orders.” Click on “View Detail” after you find the order number and then click on “Open Dispute” to get AliExpress to intervene.